New visitor centers - Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic
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New visitor centers open in 2024
2. 5. 2024
A new visitor center welcomes visitors of White Carpathians Protected Landscape Area as part of the Nature Conservation Agency’s program House of Nature since April 2024. Similarly, the House of Nature of the Czech Karst Protected Landscape Area opened in April as well, and welcomes visitors to the new exhibition and Koneprusy caves.
House of Nature Program is based on the private-public partnership scheme. An investor is usually a private body, municipality or a non-profit organization. General guidelines and partial support for running costs are provided by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic.
Thirteen houses of nature and nine information centers are already available for visitors in this tourist season in 17 Protected Landscape Areas (PLA). Most of them were only made possible thanks to support from the European Regional Development Fund. Two other Houses of Nature will open in Palava PLA and Hodoninska Dubrava National Nature Monument in June this year.
Authors of photographs: Cave Administration of the Czech Republic, Archive of NCA CR

Ceremonial opening of the White Carpathian Nature House, Jiří Tomeš

Tour of the exhibition of the White Carpathian Nature House, Jiří Tomeš

Exhibition of the House of Nature of the White Carpathians - table, Jitka Říhová

Exterior of the Czech Karst Nature House, Administration of Caves of the Czech Republic

Interior of the nature house of the Czech Karst, Administration of Caves of the Czech Republic